Lake Doster Men's Golf Association
"The primary objectives of the Lake Doster men's Golf Association shall be to promote and encourage competitive golf programs, to provide golfing contacts among it's members, and to provide golf handicaps to implement such programs."
The quote above is from the constitution adopted in 1984. You may obtain a copy of the constitution from the secretary of the LDMGA. The association operates according to that document plus amendments adopted over the ensuing years. There are 4 officers: President; Vice President; Secretary and Treasurer. They are elected each year from members of the Board of Directors. Each year, four Directors are elected at the annual fall general membership meeting. Terms are for three years. The immediate Past-President continues to serve on the board for the year following his term of office (which may extend his term and result in a thirteen member Board of Directors).
Membership is available to all men golfers, 18 years of age or older, who are season members of the Lake Doster Golf club. Membership is a privilege. By unanimous vote of the officers, any member may be expelled for good cause, including, but not limited to: indebtedness, violation of rules, handicap infractions, or any conduct that results in adverse reflection on the association. In the event a member is expelled, that member shall forfeit his right to vote and shall be suspended from the activities of the association for a period of time designate by the officers according to the merits of each case.
Over the years, the association, either at general membership meetings or at board meetings, has established policies and guidelines for various activities. These, along with the current board members, committee chairmen and a general membership list with phone numbers are provided in the LDMGA Information Manual.
The membership runs from April 1 to March 31. You must pay your dues each year to be considered an active member and to compete for prizes in any LDMGA sponsored event (except for a few designated events).
LDMGA Handicap Guidelines
1. We conform to the USGA Rules of Golf for play and handicaps except for our local rules, unless there is a specific notice posted for other exceptions (such as winter rules).
2. All scores, both at Lake Doster and elsewhere, both for nines and eighteens, shall be entered for handicap calculation, if played by the Rules of Golf during the active season for the course being played. Tournament scores must be so noted when entered. If a player fails to enter a score, the Handicap Committee may post the score or a penalty score that is equal to the lowest handicap differential in the player's record.
3. The maximum handicap allowed for any LDMGA event is 36 strokes for 18 holes for those with current USGA handicaps (27 strokes is maximum in other cases.) however, members who are 80 years of age or older are allowed a maximum of 40 strokes. If two sets of tees are played in the same event, those playing from tees with the lower course rating must subtract the difference in ratings from their handicap for the tees they are playing.
4. LDMGA events are played with the following handicap allowances:
a. Individual scores-100%
b. One of two scores-90%
c. One of four scores-80%
d. Two or three of four- 90%
e. Scrambles-4 man (20%+15%+10%+5%); 3 man (25%+15%+10%); 2 man (35%+15%)
5. Each player must adjust scores posted for handicap according to the Equitable Stroke Control rules.
6. Match play may be non-handicapped if the players are grouped in flights of similar handicaps. If not, the lowest handicapper plays at scratch and the other player gets the full difference between his handicap and that of his opponent.
Tournaments, General
Tees for Tournaments: the white tee markers will be used for all LDMGA events unless noted differently on the sign up sheet. However, unless specified differently on the sign up sheet, members 70 years of age or older, may, at their option, play from the gold tees in LDMGA events, using their gold tee handicap minus 3 strokes to adjust for the difference in the course ratings between the white and gold tees.
Prizes: Most of the event prizes will be paid in gift certificates redeemable for merchandise in the pro shop. Any gift certificates awarded for LDMGA events and not picked up by the day of the fall LDMGA Banquet will be used to buy door prizes for that banquet.
Exceptions to Qualifications for Specific Tournaments: Medical based exceptions can be approved by the Tournament Committee or the Handicap Committee.
Handicap Reviews: The Handicap Committee has the duty under USGA guidelines to review and adjust individual handicaps for just cause. The Board has directed the Committee to do a special review of handicaps of all participants in the Joey The Jet and Member-Member to decide if any should be adjusted.
How to Decide Ties: If a sudden death play-off is not feasible, the LDMGA (USGA) method of matching cards is to determine the winner on the basis of the lowest score for the last nine holes (in the case of shotgun or crossover start, the score for the back nine is to be used). If that nine also ties, then the lowest score for the last six holes is used, going next to the last three holes, and to finally the last hole, if necessary. When this method is used for handicapped medal play, the appropriate percentage of the handicaps should be deducted unless the strokes were deducted hole-by-hole using the hole handicaps. If any different method is used to decide ties for an event it must be included on the sign up sheet. In the case of three major events: the Joey the Jet, the Kings and Queens and the Member/Member play-offs will be held for first place only. Any other ties will split the remaining prize money like the PGA does in their tournaments.
Golfer of the Year:
One member in good standing will be named “Golfer of the Year” based on points earned for placing in LDMGA events. LDMGA events that include non-members are not included in the contest. The points awarded per entrant (team or individual) are determined by the following system and limited to the places paid in each event:
For 9 hole events: 1st=40; 2nd=30; 3rd=20; 4th=10; 5th=5
For 18 hole events: 1st=80; 2nd=60; 3rd=40; 4th=20; 5th=10
For 36 hole events; 1st=160; 2nd=120; 3rd=80; 4th=40; 5th=20
In the Club Championship, the 4 qualifiers in each flight divide the 36 hole points thus: 1st=160; 2nd=120; 3rd and 4th=60 each. Any flight with 8 or fewer entrants will get one half these points. The winners of each half of the Tuesday League receive the 18 hole points.
Tournament and Event Formats
Joey the Jet: This is the first major tournament of the year, a 36-hole two-man best ball event played at 90% of handicaps. Players have the right to choose their own partners. A current USGA handicap, including the previous season if necessary, is required. If one round cannot be played because of weather conditions, it will be played as a one day event.
Presidents Cup: This event is played in two divisions: scratch medal play from the blue tees and individual net Stableford from the white tees (using 100% of handicap). It is a 36-hole event played over two days. . Entrants must have a current USGA Handicap to be eligible to play. In case of ties in either division, there is a three-hole play-off using the same format as played in that division (going to sudden death, if needed). The President’s Cups for each division are presented at the LDMGA Fall banquet. The winner’s names are inscribed on a permanent trophy. If one round cannot be played because of weather conditions, it will be played as a one day event.
Club Championship: This event has multiple divisions. Depending on the number who signs up, the divisions are aimed at 16 contestants with a minimum of 14 required. One division is played at scratch. Others are handicapped. Entrants must have a current USGA Handicap to be eligible to play. A match play format is used in this event. Match winners continue to play in their bracket until the champion is determined in each division.
Stag Day: This event is slanted to social ability as much as golf. The format is two-man match play, flighted by handicaps, with three 9-hole matches. Several special golf contests are held in conjunction with this event. A dinner for contestants and significant others is held following the final match.
Senior Event: The Senior Event is limited to those 50 and older and is played mid-week with the format usually being 3 man teams selected by draw and counting 2 net best balls of the three.
Fall Classic: This 36 hole event is played as four separate 9 hole events. Prizes are awarded for each nine’s results as well as for the 36 hole scores. This format allows members to participate (and win) if not able to play both days.
Hole-In-One Insurance
Each LDMGA member automatically receives hole-in-one insurance which pays up to $100 credit to the Lake Doster bar (beverages only) for a witnessed hole in one at Lake Doster during a 9 or 18 hole round anytime from the day of the Bloody Mary scramble through the day of the Fall General Membership meeting. This covers all LDMGA members who have paid their current dues prior to their hole-in-one. The scorecard with the hole in one must be signed, attested, dated and presented to a current LDMGA board member or the pro shop manager on the day of the feat. The credit is available until midnight of the day of the feat.
Saturday Events
The Vice President serves as the overall chairman for the 18 hole Saturday events with the club manager and his staff helping to run each event. The goal is to have the signup sheet posted by the computer hutch 12 days before the event. To assure yourself a place in the event, you must sign up by 10:00 PM on the Tuesday prior to the event. Prizes, in the form of gift certificates, are paid for several places depending on the number playing in the event and the number per team. A complete information package on how to run a Saturday event, including a payout chart, is available by clicking here.
REMEMBER- your score MUST be entered into the computer before your scorecard is turned in for the event.
Slow Play:
The LDMGA policy on slow play is: A group with one full hole or more empty in front of them will be given a warning to pick up the pace. If, after a couple more holes, the gap remains, they will be given a second warning. In the event the group still does not close the gap, the club management is authorized to assess penalty strokes on the entire group.
Lake Doster Golf Course Local Rules
1. Water Hazards #3 & #8: A provisional ball may be played from the teeing area. Otherwise, follow USGA Rule 26. NOTE: Regular water hazard changes to lateral hazard on right front of #3 green.
2. Boulders on #10 & #18: These are defined as immovable obstructions and governed under USGA Rule 24-2. In brief, if the ball lies so that the boulder interferes with the stance or swing, the ball may be lifted and dropped within one club length of the nearest point that avoids the interference and is not nearer the hole.
3. Out of Bounds on #10 & #18: The edge of the asphalt surface of the street nearest to the green is defined as the out of bounds line on these holes. A ball on, over, touching or overhanging the asphalt surface is out of bounds.
4. All Flower Beds and Staked Trees: Play as mandatory Ground Under Repair, USGA Rule 25-1.
5. Sand Bunkers: Rocks that interfere with the swing path of the club may be lifted and removed without penalty.
6. Embedded Ball: The Embedded Ball Rule is in effect through the green. See USGA Rule 25-2.
7. Summer Rules: Play the ball as it lies throughout the season, unless Winter Rules (Preferred Lies) are posted by the club professional because of specific course conditions.
8. Winter Rules (preferred lies); A ball lying on a "fairway" may be lifted and cleaned, without penalty, and placed within one club length of where it originally lay, not nearer the hole, and so as to preserve as nearly as possible the stance required to play from the original lie. A ball so lifted is back in play when the player addresses it, or if he does not address it, when he makes his next stroke at it. Note: Scores made when this local rule is used shall be posted for handicap purposes unless the Committee determines that conditions are so poor that such scores shall not be posted.
In accordance with USGA Rule 14-3/0.5, players may use devices that measure distance only.