Do you have recommendations to enhance the attendance at the Member Guest Event?

Ø       Drop the cost, this may induce partipcipation. Maybe block tee times for Thursday and discount pay as you play.

Ø       Can't see myself paying $500 to play weekend golf.

Ø       It has become too expensive. Maybe scale down a little

Ø       no.  i have not participated, primarily due to cost

Ø       lower cost by reducing door prizes

Ø       This has always been attended by a small percentage of the Association. Probably will continue this way


Ø       Lower event fee.  Coordinate golfing with family activities such as guest lunch/BBQ and events at open beach location for guest golfers family.

Ø       Possibly relax the entry requirements

Ø       No I have a hard time understanding why more poeple do not

understand what a great value it is

Ø       Lower your cost.  I'm sure it's a blast, but it is

pretty salty.

Ø       I like the way it is run

Ø       2 day/no spouses/less expensive

Ø       It is a great format the way we play it now. We should

encourage all members to play as we have a good time!

Ø       $200 or less entry fee

Ø       this is a great event and a great format.  The only

drawback to attendance in my opinion is cost.  Anything to reduce cost including dropping the dinner should be considered.  The awards could be done at an optional cocktail party.

Ø       Cost is ok with me but seems like it is an issue with many members.  Bring down the cost while maintaining the quality of the event

Ø       Lower price. years ago Thursday was an option. Pay extra if you play on Thursday

Ø       reduce cost?

Ø       one day event for member guest + an optional mens

tournament either the day b/4 or day after

Ø       make it a 1 day event or 2 day but more casual.

Nodinner after 2nd day . Just have someting immediatly after 2nd day

Ø       less money

Ø       pricy in this economy

Ø       no  I like it the way it is

Ø       outside 'member sponsored' teams

Ø       Another tough one... I've supported it in the past, but leaning toward not... the organizers work very hard I know

Ø       hold cost to $400.

Ø       lsss expensive

Ø       Lower costs

Ø       Keep play to a maximum of 18 holes a day.  Charge less

Ø       Somehow it needs to be less expensive

Ø       As Mike Lee said it used to be a classy event. More time and attention to detail to make it special

Ø       NO, but others say the price is too high. We are working on that

Ø       lower the price, cut out the free drink tickets, serve less food, pay more places, pay cash instead of gift certificates

Ø       Ask the people who dont play