The current format for the Tuesday league is Net Stableford, is this a good format for this event? (If no, please suggest an alternate format):


Ø       Yes  (17 members)


Ø       Ilike it too. I think low net is the most fair


Ø       Yes. We seem to have a combination of high and low handicap winners

Ø       No, I think we should go net score 90% handicap

Ø       Yes.  It has some forgiveness built in which suits the majority of the members

Ø       medal play handicap

Ø       I'm not in the Tuesday league BECAUSE it's stableford. I was taught that a bogey is a bad thing!

Ø       partners best ball

Ø       Low Net

Ø       No.  I would prefer a two man event where you and your partner do not have to play at the same time, but would combine at end of day for a best ball

Ø       no, suggest net score with a maximum score of bogey for 1-9, double bogey for 10-10 and triple bogey for 20+

Ø       No We need the stableford that the pros play by which means a net double bogey is a negative point

Ø       Would prefer net score, after handicap deduction

Ø       Use stableford system where you LOOSE points for a bad hole

Ø       No  Low net (count all your strokes)

Ø       The format would be better if there were deductions for bad scores. Taking a double, triple or other and not have a subtraction just does not make sense.

Ø       Lets try your regular handicap. 18 points for shooting your handicap and plus or minus points for shooting above or below your handicap.

Ø       No.  Suggest low net wins.  Same format without filling out stableford points row on card. (Minmum change).  Removes 23 point limit.  Stableford seems biased toward high handicap players.

Ø       This is a good format

Ø       good format

Ø       Good Format

Ø       Low Gross & Low Net 1st,2nd,3rd winners ea wk

Ø       I don't play in the league, but if I did i have no problem with stableford.

Ø       fine format

Ø       I will probably play in the leauge with any format. What is great about our leauge is 2 things. 1). You are not stuck with the same partner for the whole season. 2). You can start anytime thoughout the day.

Ø       Stableford would be worth a try.